Home Support – our home support service includes housekeeping, personal care, basic nursing, meal preparations, shopping, banking and escorting to medical appointments to assist seniors and the disabled


Friendly Visiting – To alleviate any feelings of loneliness and isolation, particularly for seniors and the disabled with language barriers, we offer friendly visiting that provides much needed cheerful and meaningful interactions. These interactions help keep the mind active


Social and Recreational Activities – our variety of activities include craft, card games, light physical exercise, outings, short trips, theatre, congregate dinners, karaoke and line dancing. All these events provide excellent opportunities to meet new friends and have fun avoiding isolation and loneliness. It also improves mobility, fitness and assists with keeping minds active


Welcoming Newcomers – we welcome newly arrived immigrants and help them adjust to their new surrounds and overcome any language barriers they may have


Educational Seminars – we invite professional and inspirational speakers to discuss topics  affecting the elderly, to better inform and motivate them


Transportation - we offer transportation to seniors to pre-arranged medical appointments, please inquire for further details


Employment Agency - we provide job opportunities for care givers and nurses




MSCG's mission is to improve the lives and health of seniors, people with disabilities and those suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's by implementing a variety of programs that improve the health and wellness of seniors. Our objective is to reduce isolation and increase physical and mental activity amongst seniors. Our goals are to alleviate feelings of isolation which are often felt in the socially neglected communities by organizing activities such as congregate dining, friendly visiting, and other social and recreational events.

Millennium Support & Care Group

7 Hayden Street, Suite 303

Toronto, Ontario

Tel: (416) 925 -4417

Email: mscg@mail.com


We Have Charitable Status



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